
Friday, July 16, 2010

July 15 - Day 10

Reached Fairbanks this morning and headed south toward Anchorage. We had planned to spend some time exploring the Denali Highway, but changed our minds. The weather started out overcast and quickly degenerated into rain, mist and low hanging clouds -- not exactly the best conditions to view some of the most magnificent mountain scenery in the state. Most of the time, we couldn't even see the mountains!

We visited North Pole, Nenana, and decided to stop at a campground in Cantwell. If tomorrow is nice, we will check out the Denali Highway. If not, we will continue to Anchorage and find some "indoor stuff" to do until the weather clears. We are meeting Donny's friend, Steve, tomorrow late afternoon. Don't know just what the weekend will bring.

First Photo:
Typical of views approaching Fairbanks yesterday - lots uphill and downhill grades, good road

Second Photo:
Typical of views today as we headed south toward Anchorage - cloudy, foggy, etc.

Third Photo:
Nenana Visitor Center - what a great little town! Very rustic. Everyone seemed very friendly.

Fourth Photo:
Traveled a section of road built over permafrost between Nenana and Cantwell. Sorry for the blurry picture, but it was shot through a rainy windshield, and you can see how bumpy it was!

Fifth Photo:
Had some time this afternoon to continue with my wildflower identification project. Here are another 16. Lots more to ID. I find more every day!

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