
Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 16 - Day 11: Parks Highway, Talkeetna, Anchorage

After our venture out Denali Highway, we headed south down the Parks Highway. The Denali National Park area was a zoo! Mobs of people, tour buses everywhere, lots of traffic. July and August are probably not the best time to visit this popular tourist destination!

The weather was still overcast, so we did not get to see much of the spectacular Alaska Range. Also, in spite of numerous signs saying to watch for caribou, moose and bear, we didn't see any wildlife along the roadside. As we proceeded south, the clouds finally started to break up, and finally the sun came out.

We made a brief side trip to visit Talkeetna, but didn't stay long. There were so many tour buses and tourists that we decided to continue toward Anchorage. Passed through Willow and Wasilla. Lots of road construction and development in this area. At Palmer, we took the New Seward Highway into Anchorage, which is a BIG city! Donny did not like driving through it, especially in the RV - hard to watch traffic. Finally made it to Steve's house.

After enjoying a nice dinner with Steve and a couple of his friends, we went to visit the Chugach State Park. It's still hard to get used to this whole "20 hours of daylight" thing! Even though it was 9:30 p.m., the sun was shining brightly, the parking lot was full, and people were hiking all over the mountains! We wandered around a little, took a bunch of pictures, including some of a very accommodating moose that was munching on wildflowers, then returned to Steve's for the evening. Nice sunset at about 10:45.

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